Nov 29, 2012 1 min read launches iPhone camera thing launches iPhone camera thing

So, I imagine at some point in your life you’ve thought to yourself, “Yeah, the iPhone’s all well and good, but it would be much better if it looked like a shit camera from the 80s”. Then you probably wept into your hands because you knew in your heart that this was a dream that could never be a reality. But it can. Stop your crying. It can. has once again looked deep into your soul and given you the thing you most desire.

Yep, has launched a new range of iPhone accessories known collectively as foto.sosho (just trips off the tongue, doesn’t it), which will not only make your iPhone look like a shit camera from the 80s, but also enhance the picture taking and photo editing capabilities of the phone. It also adds a slide out keyboard, further ensuring that your phone will no longer easily fit into your pocket.

Essentially, the foto.sosho is a camera into which you dock your iPhone. This then gives you a fourteen megapixel camera to play with, along with an app on which you can tart up your photos. Users will also be given a profile page on where their can share their awesome shots.

Will told The Daily Telegraph: “We have our own sensor and a better flash. You dock you phone into our device and it turns you smartphone into a genius-phone. We take over the camera”.

Selfridges, which will exclusively sell the devices – starting at £199 – from 6 Dec, went one step further and claimed that it will “turn your iPhone into a fashionable camera”. That’s right, a fashionable camera. Oh, at last.

In the unlikely event the you want one of these things, you can register your interest here.

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