Brands & Merch

Smokes firm pull out of Kelly Clarkson sponsorship

By | Published on Friday 23 April 2010

Indonesian cigarette makers Djarum have pulled their sponsorship of a Kelly Clarkson gig in Jakarta after the previously reported outrage, led by US anti-smoking groups, after the fag brand’s logo appeared on posters for the concert.

Earlier Clarkson said that she had not be aware of the cigarette firm’s involvement in the Jakarata show, but that if she now refused to work with the event’s promoters because of the sponsor she would let down all her Indonesian fans because the gig would surely be cancelled. She also added that smoking is “super cool” and that with cigarettes just 65p a pack in Indonesia, they’re a nice cheap hobby for kids to have. No, not really. Though I bet that’s what she was thinking.

Anyway, while she was rambling about all this on her blog, the show’s promoter was busy negotiating the cigarette firm out of its partnership with the Clarkson show, Djarum presumably not happy with all the bad press their involvement was delivering, in a territory where cigarette firms are not considered representatives of the Antichrist by default.