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Rihanna manager: Long gaps between albums no longer viable

By | Published on Friday 11 November 2011


Rihanna’s manager Jay Brown has said that the idea of artists releasing a new album every three years is no longer viable, which would explain why Rihanna seems to put out a new one every three months.

Brown told the BBC: “Kids want new material all the time. I think you become disposable when you put out an album every three years”.

That’s all well and good, though the artists who do still only put out an album every three years or so are generally well-established and have an older fanbase. Though Brown made a better point when he said that pop albums have become bloated of late, with tracklists growing too long.

“Nobody, when they’re buying an album, wants to skip over tracks”, he said. “If there are too many songs, you dilute what you’re trying to do. When we were deciding the tracks to put on [Rihana’s new album ‘Talk That Talk’ which is 35 minutes long in total], I wasn’t thinking about minutes and seconds. I just wanted to make sure it was all hits”.