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Revive yourself with coffee vinyl

By | Published on Thursday 21 June 2018

Coffee vinyl

The main reason for vinyl’s renewed popularity, as we all know, is that when you buy a record you don’t like, you can just smash it against a wall and kick the broken shards across the carpet. You try smashing up and kicking a stream.

But what if you could collect those pieces of vinyl up and turn them into a tasty cup of coffee? Well, wonder no more. That is now a thing that is possible.

Coffee company Peter’s Cold Brew has come up with a means of promoting its triple strength pick-me-up by compressing its ground up beans into a working twelve-inch. The ‘blacker than black’ record features four extreme metal tracks, with titles like ‘Ballad For A Dying Unicorn’ and ‘Swiped Right For Dad’.

When broken up and mixed with water, the record turns into a cup of coffee. If someone had thought of this when people were still complaining all the time about how people gladly pay for overpriced cups of coffee but not for music, I would have been able to bring this report to a much more satisfactory conclusion.

Here’s a video: