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Houston drowned due to effects of cocaine and heart disease

By | Published on Friday 23 March 2012

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston died of accidental drowning due to the effects of cocaine use and heart disease, according to the LA County Coroner, who reported back on the results of toxicology tests conducted on the late singer’s body after her untimely death in the bath of her LA hotel room last month.

Craig Harver, the Coroner’s spokesman, said that marijuana, an anti-anxiety medication, a muscle relaxant and anti-histamine were also present in Houston’s system, though none of those directly caused her death.

Houston’s problems with drug addiction were well documented of course, though friends hoped she had come out of the worst in more recent times. Nevertheless, the coroner said there were signs that the singer was still a habitual user of cocaine, and that drug likely contributed to her death, presumably by causing her to black out while in the bath tub.

Commenting on the toxicology results for the Houston family, the singer’s sister-in-law and manager Patricia Houston told reporters yesterday: “We are saddened to learn of the toxicology results, although we are glad to now have closure”.