And Finally

Black Keys drummer gets Belieber hate after Justin jibe

By | Published on Wednesday 13 February 2013

The Black Keys

Black Keys man Patrick Carney is the latest musician to feel the Twitter heat of the Beliebers, after telling a reporter that the Biebster shouldn’t worry about not getting any Grammy nominations, because he’s got all that money instead, and the Bieber brand is surely about money not music. Which might be a fair point, but also constitutes a blatant poke into the always glowing fire of Belieber rage.

After The Black Keys picked up three gongs at The Grammys this weekend, some journalist or other asked Carney whether he felt bad for Bieber, left out of the noms at the music awards bash this year. “I dunno”, Carney responded, “he’s rich, right? Grammys are for music, not for money. He’s making a lot of money – he should be happy”.

Somewhat recklessly (even with the concluding “ha ha”) given how needlessly protective his fans can be, Bieber responded on Twitter by saying “The Black Keys drummer should be slapped around haha”. So far Carney has avoided an actual slapping, though is facing a barrage of angry tweets from Bieber’s fans.

Before Bieber’s tweet, Carney himself had told his Twitter followers: “It’s cool when you get cornered outside your hotel by a guy with a camera and they ask you a dumb question and then put it on TV”.

Spotting the Bieber’s subsequent “slap” remark, the Black Keys man added “Here we go again” before retweeting some of the more amusing angry Belieber tweets, motivating Patrick’s brother Michael Carney to observe: “Fourteen years later and @patrickcarney is still getting bullied by kids in high school”.